OUR PRICE ADVANTAGETonertree works with numerous manufacturers in Canada, North America and worldwide to provide you with the highest quality products at the lowest prices. We recognize one manufacturer can't do it all, so we only purchase proven products at the lowest price from various suppliers. We'll take the time to shop around many of our manufacturers to negotiate the best price possible. This also means, we have a huge list of partners providing us with products for your business.
PERSONALIZED SERVICEOld fashioned personalized service. Want to speak to us on the phone or simply email us: "Send me another cartridge for my colour printer"? We'll be glad to help. We'll communicate with you on your terms, as a partner in keeping your office running smoothly. If you prefer, use our FAST online re-order form to reorder your supplies.
TOP QUALITY PRODUCTSAll our cartridges are manufactured under strict ISO guidelines. You can be sure, that the toner you receive is of the best quality, and is backed by a full 1 year warranty.
FAST SHIPPING!We ship using national courier services and you will receive your order next day for most locations in Canada. Shipping is a flat rate of $9.50 per order for orders less than $500.
FREE SERVICESTired of running out of supplies? Let us monitor your supplies levels and automatically replenish when needed. Contact us when you're thinking of buying a new printer to ensure supplies are economical for the new model you are selecting. Printer problems? call us for free support!
SEASONAL PROMOTIONSWe pass along savings! When our manufacturers run promotions, we pass along the savings to our customers. We also run seasonal promotions including our 10% off sales and free shipping promotions. Sign up for our free mailing list on the Contact Us page.
ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Tonertree works with many manufacturers that offer recycled product options. With the same quality and new, these fully remanufactured products provide an excellent alternative to new, with similar cost savings as our other product lines. Reduce your carbon footprint by using remanufactured cartridges. Read more about the environmental benefits of remanufactured products here
FREE RECYCLINGSave up your used cartridges and we'll send you a shipping label to have them returned and properly recycled. Email us today to have us send you a free shipping label to recycle your products.